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Contact tracing app could stop coronavirus spread
Digital contact tracing could help stop the spread of COVID-19, but experts warn privacy is key
How COVID Contact Tracing Apps Could End Lockdown: NHS, Apple & Google's Apps Explained - TLDR News
New contact tracing app promises to help contain spread of coronavirus
Contact-tracing apps on the rise as cities work to stop the spread of coronavirus
Coronavirus outbreak: What are the privacy risks behind ‘contact tracing’ apps?
Stop the Spread: a COVID-19 contact tracing app
N.Y. and N.J. are now using a Covid-19 contact tracing app to prevent the spread—Here's how it works
Could coronavirus tracking apps risk our privacy? | Inside Story
Can coronavirus tracking apps protect data privacy? | COVID-19 Special
How Your Location Data Can Help Track And Stop The Spread Of COVID-19
What is contact tracing, and how could it help the U.S. manage COVID-19?